Many teaching resources that are suitable for elementary students and can also be used for distance learning. Teaching literacy and life lessons with children's literature. Find book companions for popular books.
Lois Ehlert is a masterful writer and a superb illustrator. She teaches book language and reading in her rewarding tale of nuts to you! Read, think, and write about this book. This rascally squirrel is up to all sorts of tricky tricks in the hot city summer time. He even sneaks into an apartment window and find a nutty solution to get him out.
Labels identify plants, birds, and insects on each page, and a glossary at the back of the book offers factual details about squirrels. This book is simple, yet stunning! and the lively verse is music to the listening ear.
Read Aloud this book and grab your book companion to encourage an engaging book response with writing, reading and math! Find the book companion here.
Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions. Read & Learn...Think & Write FALL Edition. There are 10 topics about fall in this literacy resource. Students can read a short text passage about a fall topic, learn new vocabulary, read added fun facts, and answer key comprehension questions about the topic. Also included are vocabulary pages for each FALL topic and a Think & Write page where students remember or checks back in the text to find 3 facts learned, 2 interesting details and one question she/he might still have about the topic. Students can practice finding evidence in the text to confirm and correct comprehension. They will learn this reading strategy and read with conviction.
These text passages for FALL are on the following topics:
autumn leaves
There are 40 total pages in this teaching resource for literacy. This text passages can easily be assigned for distance learning and school at home. You can find this teaching resource here.
These text passages are for students who are:
Second graders who are ready for a challenge
Third graders who need interesting short texts on a timely topic
English language learners who need practice with reading fluency, comprehension and learning new vocabulary
What reading practices and literacy lessons are supported by this teaching resource?
interesting reading about a timely topic
opportunity to read for fluency
ask and answer questions about the topic
checking text for evidence
learning fun facts about a topic
learning new words
learning to use the dictionary/thesaurus
learning parts of speech
writing sentences
thinking about my reading and recalling facts
looking for details
wondering about more questions
allowing opportunities for self-directed learners
How can I use this teaching resource in my classroom?
Independent Reading Assignments
Small Group [and entire class] Reading-Writing
Reading Fluency Practice
Checking Text for Evidence Practice
Fast Finishers
Extra Reading Assignments
Substitute Teacher [if needed more work]
distance learning reading assignments
You can find these teaching resources and more at my TPT store - MrsQuimbyReads
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